Happening Now in 2015

Posted by on Jul 28, 2015 in Faith in the Future, Serious Money Talks | 0 comments

This is the third in a series where I am sharing perspectives on the world of exponential technologies—the technological advances that disrupt current business models, solve big problems, and change the way we live.

Two months ago, in a piece titled “10 Years Ago v. Today”, I explored nine huge ways that our daily lives are different today from just 10 years ago.

Last month, in a piece titled “The World in 2025”, I explored how different our daily lives might be ten years from now.

In this issue, I will explore three technological innovations that are changing our daily business and/or personal lives today.  Information about these innovations come to us courtesy of Peter Diamandis, author of Abundance and Bold.

Target’s Openhouse

In San Francisco, Target has created Openhouse, a home featuring all the latest smart devices that make it a “connected home.” Target calls it “experiential retail,” bringing together consumers, vendors, and businesses around home smart-products that are available for sale today.

AmazonAmazon’s Kiva Robotic Shelves

In  ten of Amazon’s fifty distribution centers, shelves transport to the fulfillment worker instead of the fulfillment worker walking to the shelves. The shelves are vertical and are carried on the backs of the Kiva robot. An Amazon distribution center contains millions of items, and the Kiva knows which shelf contains which items. The worker asks for an item and Kiva brings the shelf containing the item. It’s amazing! Hundreds of items are being fulfilled every minute.

VolocopterE-Volo’s Volocopter

This is point-to-point human transportation. Think of it as a drone that carries human beings. It has vertical take-off and can travel about 60 mph at a height of about 4000 feet. This personal coptor is not yet available for sale, but it successfully flies, and E-Volo is seeking its preliminary airworthiness certificate. Imagine the possibilities.

Happening now in 2015!


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